Raising Your Voice Internationally
Morag Fullilove spoke at the annual meeting of the American Society of Association Executives on 16 August 2004. Their presentation, entitled Raising Your Voice Internationally, helped associations learn how to monitor and influence the debate at the international level in a manageable and cost effective way including monitoring issues, recognition as interested parties, and participation in advisory groups, lobbying, and testimony. Follow-up articles will appear in Association Forum and ASAE publications this year. For more information, please email us or visit www.asaenet.org.

International Visitors and Your Meetings
Morag Fullilove has written an article for The Forum, the monthly magazine of the Association Forum, entitled International Visitors and Your Meetings: Preparing for their visit, maximizing their time and your investment in developing international attendance. The article, published in the March 2004 issue, is based on a workshop Ms. Fullilove led at the December 2003 Holiday Showcase of the Association Forum. A copy of the article is available (link to download)

International Insurance and Accounting Regulations
Morag Fullilove was a presenter at the 2004 Reinsurance Conference of the Illinois CPA Society. She addressed developments in international accounting standards, reinsurance regulation, solvency, and corporate governance. For more information or a copy of the presentation, please email us.

Developments in European Insurance Regulations
Morag Fullilove spoke to the quarterly meeting of the International Association of Insurance Receivers in March 2004 on recent developments in insurance regulation in Europe. The presentation focused on the Solvency II project, international accounting standards, and the new reinsurance directive. Morag Fullilove provides regular reports on European developments to The Insurance Receiver, the journal of the association. For more information or a copy of the presentation, please email us.

European Insurance Solvency Regulation
Morag Fullilove outlined for the quarterly meeting of the International Association of Insurance Receivers in March 2003 the European Commissions plans to develop a new solvency regime in Europe. The project, entitled Solvency II, will eventually lead to a fundamental revision of the existing European supervision of insurance. Ms. Fullilove also prepared a article for the journal, The Insurance Receiver, in the third quarter of 2003 on the same topic.

The Barnert Reports™ Global Edition
Morag Fullilove is the editor of this monthly publication reporting on international regulation of insurance. Published by the Barnert Publishing Corporation, the bulletin covers the activities of the International Accounting Standards Board, the International Association of Insurance Supervisors, the European Union, as well as breaking news on insurance and accounting. For more information contact globalTBR@barnert.com.