With a reputation for selecting and delivering the best public affairs practices, The Fullilove Consulting Group (TFCG) helps clients by implementing results-oriented programs. Drawing on extensive experience in public affairs and association management, the firm designs, manages and implements public affairs solutions in the following areas:

Issues Management
TFCG assists clients to identify issues, clarify their public affairs goals, develop effective strategies and execute these initiatives. We provide tailored monitoring, analysis, and forecasting, as well as strategic planning for international agencies, the European Commission and Parliament, and the US Congress and fifty state legislatures.

Government Relations
TFCG provides a full range of lobbying and advocacy services in the US and Europe. We specialize in coordinating international, European, national, and state activities on a given issue and ensure that your efforts on all these levels work together to promote your goals.

Ally Development
TFCG strengthens organizational public policy efforts by identifying supporters and mobilizing key contacts. We organize advocacy programs involving employees, retirees, customers, stockholders, members, vendors, and other constituencies

Coalition Building
TFCG is a recognized leader in coalition management. We can identify, recruit and coordinate groups sharing similar concerns to accomplish public affairs objectives. We have a track record of uniting business and consumer interests to achieve common goals by combining association management expertise with our public policy knowledge.

Strategy Development
TFCG assists clients define and implement their international objectives. We can assist your association or company in finding the optimal approach to global expansion of services, membership or products.

Education and Training
TFCG creates and delivers presentations on a wide range of topics related to public affairs, including sessions on quality management, advocacy, grassroots, and current issues.

Program Assessment
TFCG evaluates the effectiveness of public affairs programs through audits, benchmarking and total quality management techniques. Our analysis can ensure that our clients are providing the highest quality services for the resources available.

Staff Development
TFCG provides counsel on government affairs issues for new and experienced affairs and government relations staff. We can develop the training and orientation programs our clients need in the public affairs area for new staff or provide a sounding board for experienced managers.